Monday, 21 January 2019

Analysis of Lucozade advert

The Lucozade advert uses the mid-close up shot of Gareth Bale to connote that he's a sportsman letting us know that it's a sports drink additionally his facial expression is important as it's serious with direct address allowing the audience to know that this is not a joke and the brand is serious. Through Lucozade using Gareth were able to obtain representations of the brand for example he has a clean background, backed up by his appearance as he's well groomed with a clean shave and is a strong fast player therefore the brand is highlighting how the drink shares the same positive connotation and will enable you to have energy and to be stronger like Gareth Bale as he drinks this and has these qualities. This deliberate representation of Bale follows Bathes mythical masculinity theory as his qualities of being a leader, strong and athletic would usually be associated with masculinity. The brand is reinforced through the colour scheme of blue and yellow therefore not drifting away from the initial message. The slogan "In a different league" has a double meaning as Bale plays for real madrid which is not in the same league as other football teams; in terms of Lucozade it's suggesting that the sports drink is not the same as other sports drinks, backed up by the ethos of "scientifically proven" which would then persuade the audience more to buy the product as it's been tested and proven causing the audience to believe that this advert is telling the truth.